Commit Messages, Pull-Request Titles and Bodies

Flipt Cloud dynamically generates commit messages and pull-requests based on parameters of the changes being made. It passes these parameters through Go templates to produce the resulting messages. While cloud is configured with some sensible defaults, these can be overridden on a per Flipt environment basis.

To override these templates you must provide a flipt.yaml file at the root of your environment tree.

└─ production
    └─ flipt.yaml

An environment is a combination of a Git repository, a branch name and directory path. These are selected when you create your environment in Flipt Cloud.

The flipt.yaml file must exist in this directory and branch in order to configure the relevant environment.

When this file isn’t provided, a default one is implicitly generated. The default is effectively the following:

version: "1.0"
  commit_message: |-
    {{- if eq (len .Changes) 1 }}
    {{- (index .Changes 0) }}
    {{- else -}}
    updated multiple resources
    {{ range $change := .Changes }}
    {{ $change }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
  proposal_title: "Flipt: Update features in {{ .Base.Name }}"
  proposal_body: |-
    Update Flipt resources in [{{ .Base.Name }}]({{ .Base.HostURL }})
    The branched environment can be viewed at [{{ .Branch.Name }}]({{ .Branch.HostURL }})

Commit Message

Commit message templates are supplied with a list of changes. Currently, Flipt only provides a single change, however, this may change in the future. As such, the template provides a list of changes. A change is a combination of a verb and resource. A resource is a combination of type, namespace (when relevant) and key.

The following is a pseudo-schema for the context passed to this template:

  Changes: []Change{
      Verb: string // e.g. create, update or delete
      Resource: {
        Type: {
          Package: string // e.g. flipt.core
          Name: string // e.g. Flag
        Namespace: string // e.g. default
        Key: string // e.g. my-flag-key

Simply printing out a change in the template (for example,{{ (index .Changes 0) }}) results in the following format:

<verb> <type> [<namespace>/]<key>

Proposal (Pull-Request) Title and Body

Proposals (generated Pull-Requests) have a configurable title and body templates. Both templates are provided with the base environment and the branch environment configuration.

The following is a pseudo-schema for the context passed to these templates:

  Base: {
    Name:         string // e.g. production
    Organization: string // e.g. myorg
    Host:         string // e.g.
    Branch:       string // e.g. main
    Directory:    string // e.g. production
  Branch: {
    Name:         string // e.g. interestingcohen
    Organization: string // e.g. myorg
    Host:         string // e.g.
    Branch:       string // e.g. flipt/production/interestingcohen
    Directory:    string // e.g. production